Saturday, January 17, 2009

Vendee Globe: Two Women (on Day 69 of the race)

Time for an update. Sam Davies on Roxy has rounded Cape Horn and been in the Atlantic for some time. At present Sam is about on the same latitude as Buenos Aires, Argentina. She currently holds down fourth and has put some gains on Marc Guillemot on Safran, who had pulled into the Falkland Islands to fix his mast track. Bubbly as ever on her latest video.

Dee Caffari on Aviva, remains in eighth. She has rounded the Horn, but was held back, along with her traveling companions, Brian Thompson, and Arnaud Boissières, to let a vicious storm pass to the North. She has been limping along, restricted in going full on by her mainsail, which continues to shed mylar and taffeta. No recent YouTube videos of Dee but you can see some up to date videos of Dee at the Vendee Globe Website . Informed sources say the mainsail cloth is a special lamination also used by the Volvo Around the World racers. They are finding it doesn't take being reefed for long periods of time. Dee is waiting for a weather window for the next round of repairs, probably Tuesday.

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