I've mentioned this before but it's worth repeating; this blog is all about timeliness. I posted a header photo some time ago with keelboats running downwind under spinnaker but after I moved on to the next header photo I neglected to repost the previous one with a comment (as is my custom - not that anyone has noticed).
This photo is from the race committee I did at SSA for the Soling fleet at the end of February. Luckily it was on the one pleasant weekend of a brutal winter with temperatures in the 60's (Fahrenheit) and a pleasant breeze of about 15 knots. Race committee consisted of two or us but the wind was so steady that we were able to set the course and forget it - just bang off a couple of starts.
Some other photos I was able to snap from the stationary RC boat (since the starting mark was the leeward mark). Click on the photos to view in hi-res.
My good friend Mike Waters had his spinnaker halyard jam while sporting a nice lead. He had to sail a fair distance off the course before his could get the spinnaker down.
Sailing upwind into the winter afternoon sun.
Sketching Book Reviewed
1 day ago
Is Stuart Walker still sailing Solings at SSA?
Yesiree Bob. In fact Stuart was the one to pounce when Mike had his spinnaker snafu. Went on to win the race. Last fall he was inducted into the National Sailing Hall of Fame. Immediately after the induction he had his friend in a Jetski pick him up off the city dock and race him out to his Soling, where his crew patiently waited for his arrival.
So cool. How old is he, 91 now?
I have a lot of his books and when I was at SSA for a Laser regatta a few years back I was pleased to see him getting ready to go out for some Soling racing.
Gawd, I had Stuart Walker's books on my bookshelves back in the days. Once in a while I would take one down and try to make sense out of them. :-(
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