Conception classique Moth voilier.
I just recently posted about the Francois Vivier French Classic Moth plywood kit . Just looking at the illustrations, it appears to be a stable, capable Classic Moth design; probably fitting into our Gen 1 division very nicely. It turns out that Clint Chase Boatbuilders in Maine can offer the plywood kit from the U.S. I don't have complete info on the pricing, but initial emails with Clint indicate the cost would be very reasonable. If one was to jump into building the kit, I and others within the class would gladly fill in the blanks on the rig, sails and blades for the Moth.
Clint's boat kit website can be seen here.
Sketching Book Reviewed
10 hours ago
So if I were tempted to build a Moth from a kite like this...
a) how long would it take?
b) what would be the total cost by the time I've finished, counting everything sail, rigging, fittings, varnish etc. etc.?
c) what tools would I need?
You might want to answer in a post or two on the topic...
kit not kite!
Rod: I think the Tillerman needs to build, or at least experience a Mistral!
George A.
Tillerman, all these questions. Well no one has offered a kit Classic Moth before. I do know that two working together can cut panels and bend up a Mistral hull in a weekend, but thats the easy part.
There are those boatbuilders who are disciplined and put 1-2 hours in each night and make very quick progress. And then there are plodders like me. I'll get there eventually but it's more like the Soviet 5 year (or even 10 year plan). And then there's Bill Beaver, who decides to build a Moth with two weeks to go to the regatta, works round the clock and splashes the boat after driving all night to make the regatta.
As far as cost, I don't have any final price from Clint Chase on the kit. I'm guessing if you scrimped, made your own blades, bought a used sail, went with the Dwyer DM1 aluminum mast and boom, did your own rigging, you might look at $1500 to $1800 over the cost of the kit.
If I remember Tweezer scratch built cost me $3000 - $3500 but I paid for some professional blades.
Kit built craft don't need as much in the way of tools but I can see the need for a good portable drill and one sharp plane as being useful even with a kit.
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