Friday, August 17, 2012

Header Photo: International 12

Header Photo is from Earwigoagin's European correspondent, Romain Berard, and features two traditional International 12's (design circa 1914) drifting on some lake that, for the moment, I don't have the name (will have to wait for Romain to add a comment). My last post on the International 12 and Romain can be found over here.

It took a couple of days (my European correspondent must still be on his month long August vacation) but Romain comes through (see comments). It is "Lac des Settons", and from Google satellite, a very pretty lake indeed, set smack dab in the middle of France amongst the farms. Pinpoint maps from Google at the following URL:,4.07258&spn=0.047194,0.077162&sll=47.191841,4.06477&sspn=0.023593,0.038581&oq=les+settons&t=m&z=14

1 comment:

Romain BERARD said...

It is the famous "Lac des Settons"

You can see it here:,4.07258&spn=0.047194,0.077162&sll=47.191841,4.06477&sspn=0.023593,0.038581&oq=les+settons&t=m&z=14

I just sailed my Dinghy 1é' there for 5 days

Bye !
