Sunday, June 30, 2019

Header Photo: Joe Bousquet at it again!

Ingrid Albaugh

The 2018 CMBA (Classic Mothboat Association) national champ, Joe Bousquet, is a restless soul. Not content with winning, he branches out, searching for yet another Mothboat design that will bring him victory. He showed up at the June Brigantine regatta, having modified an early Magnum 2 design (sitting for years in his garage) to fit the CMBA rules (I won't bore the reader at how he cleverly used the rules to make this winged design legal.) The experiment wasn't a success. Joe capsized a lot and one of the capsizes was captured by Ingrid Albaugh. It may be too early to write the Magnum off. Joe has a grit to keep going on a project despite initial failures.

Joe, in his Swiss Miss, a Dunand design, winning the 2018 Nationals. (The first non-Mistral design to do that in twenty years.)

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Man Overboard: Bermuda Fitted Dinghy

The previous header photo was of a sailor who became partially disconnected from his Bermuda Fitted Dinghy and is desperately trying to maintain his grip (as they say). This was a set of early season photos posted on Facebook. The always photogenic Bermuda Fitted Dinghy has been featured three previous times in the header photo of Earwigoagin.

View all articles on the Bermuda Fitted Dinghy.

A sampling of photos of the Bermuda Fitted Dinghy from the same FB batch.

The start in the Bermuda Fitted Dinghy class is casting off from both sides a stake boat, in this case a working craft (tugboat maybe?). No idea how they determine the order or the side you will start from.

Lots of crew for a 14 footer, hence not much freeboard.

Monday, June 17, 2019

OOF! Massive squall hits the Bol d'Or mirabaud race.

A massive squall rolled through the Bol d'Or mirabaud race on Lake Geneva. This is a long distance race featuring a wide assortment of multihulls and keelboats. Luckily no fatalities in the race though a tourist died on a sightseeing boat.

Facebook has a short clip.

A view from the mast-base-cam of one of the competitors.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Header Photo: British Moths Sending It!

The previous header photo was of a British Moth,; "in a bit of a bother" as they would say in England. I have written several posts on the British Moth, as well as featuring the class in two header photos. The class seems to have a knack in getting photographers that offer up some stunning sailing shots. Here are some brilliant photos from the same webpage, same championship. Perhaps some reader can off up the photographers name?

Having a daggerboard lunch.


A scow bow parts the waves.