Mothboats tied up to the dock at Elizabeth City. Note the barn door rudders.

The 1948 National Moth Boat Champion, the Connecticut "SHUCKS", Nr 999. Lems Blades’ "THUNDERCLOUD", Nr 910 can be seen in the background.

Nr 908, "LITTLE NOB" was sailed by Gene Willey. Dorr Willey’s "BLONDIE", Nr 808 can be seen in the background.

Peggy Kammerman’s "SOUTHERN CROSS", Nr 122 down from Atlantic City. "SOUTHERN CROSS" was the 1935 National Champion, skippered that year by her builder Stansbury Cramer.

1948 National champ, John White, launching his Connecticut "SHUCKS".

Billy Letts from Big Bayou Yacht Club, St. Petersburg, FL taking "MISS BEHAVE", Nr 506 for a test sail with his girl friend. Not too many current day Americans could sail “two up” in a Moth Boat!

Trophy Presentation.

The “Connecticut” Moths from Rocky Point Yacht Club.

Thank you george for your photos..good memories
John "Touche'" #909
My mother, Allegra Knapp Mertz, bought Connecticut Moth #1020 from Skip Etchells in 1947, named her Loon, and frostbited at Larchmont (NY) Yacht Club over the winter on 1947-48. Her husband, Jim Mertz, was a member of American YC in Rye NY, and Loon went there in 1948. She was placed on one of the docks. I was 7 years old at the time and found that I could push her off the dock and go sailing. The only problem was getting her back on the dock at the end of the day. I did this for about 6 weeks before I was caught. Mom came down to the club to go sailing and the sails and boat were missing. Luckily I sailed around the AYC main dock and made a perfect landing, wouldn't have broken an egg, as she said. Looking back, it was probably a bit crazy for a 7 year old to sail around Milton Harbor, and a bit beyond, unsupervised, but that was then. I loved that boat and think it is the reason I am still racing small boats, currently a Lightning, at age 70 with my wife Susie as forward crew. The is a half model of her in the American Yacht Club.
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