Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Sea Snark and the Archipelago Rally

I haven't posted about the Sea Snark for some time so when I came across this video of that great little 11' foam lateen-rigged dinghy racing in the 2012 Archipelago Raid, I knew I had blog-worthy material. The Archipelago Rally is a small boat fun race out of Rhode Island with an emphasis on kids and parents participating. If you are an adult sailing by yourself, it looks like you are encouraged to dig up or modify something unusual. As a result there is a melange of small sailing boats - right up my alley.

This is a video of, what I assume, are two sisters racing the Sea Snark. In the video you can see various sailing craft such as a Boston Whaler Squall, a C-class open canoe, a 16-30 decked sailing canoe and a traditional flat-bottomed saling skiff, all passing our intrepid Sea Snark sailors!

The older skipper sister asks;
"So how is everybody else doing?"
And the younger sister crew replies;
"Better than us!"

And here is another, longer, video of the 2012 Archipelago Rally with a detailed look at the variety of boats making the trip including some of the history of the Sea Snark dinghy.

Here is a link to a post on the 2010 Archipelago Raid.


my2fish said...

that was a great little video! and looks like a really fun race, too.

my brother-in-law has had a Sea Snark or two - he likes how light the hull is, so it is really easy to toss on top of his van by himself.

I've sailed my Sunfish with him and his Snark, and then switched boats too - he's jealous that the Sunfish is quite a bit faster. but the Snark is pretty fun, too.

cheers, my2fish

Tillerman said...

This is practically in my back yard. I should do it one year. Maybe with a grandkid or two on my Laser?

And that video of the 2010 AR was in the Kickemuit River. I can see the Kickemuit River from my house. No really, I can.