I wrote about Frank Bethwaite's plywood junior scow, the Northbridge Junior, as part of a post on the sit-on-top dinghies. Last fall I came across some photos on the Web of a new Northbridge Junior built for a Japanese junior. The blogmeister, being one that feels we should encourage junior sailors in home-built dinghies, offers up the photos of the first day launching:
Two sheets of Northbridge Junior plans:
Sheet 1:
Sheet 2:
Motor boats
2 days ago
Terrific - love the decorations presumably for the launch celebration
Fantastic! I learnt to sail on a Northbridge Junior (NJ 40, if I recall correctly). Great little boats.
My first sail boat was a Northbridge Junior “Tiki” built by my father about 1965.
The plans were in an issue of Seacraft 10 Easy Build Boat Plans magazine.
I sailed nd raced it for several years and have a lifetime of memories with the boat.
The boat changed hands several time among members of the Oyster Bay Sailing Club, Georges River in Sydney.
Fabulous training boat and fun to sail!
Greetings from Ireland. I would like to build one of these with my son but can't find a full set of plans and instructions anywhere. I have enlarged the plans above but the measurements are very hard to read, (especially on the left where it's a bit out of focus). Some details are missing on the plans too, like what to use for stepping the mast. Does anyone know where I can find that information.
PS. Fantastic blog, love it!
You could work backwards from the top-view/side-view sheet, particularly if you printed it out at a larger scale. This would give you the side-heights at each station that are greyed out. I'm not sure if there are more to the plans than what I've shown. I'll try one of my Australian contacts to see if there are some available. Part of the fun of boatbuilding is to fill in the details. Always best, if you are unsure, is to enlist the services of someone you know with some building experience and an adventurous spirit. As far as the mast step, Click here for a video on a Classic Moth mast step mod. I'll see what other help I can give.
Thanks for that Tweezerman, the video was a great tip. We plan to track the build with photo's etc.. so will share.
NJ 108 at Kingston Beach Sailing Club. Rescue orange. Loved it! Still got the boat at our holiday house.
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