Seven Classic Moths made it to Severn Sailing Association on Sat, Aug 8 for a one day regatta. Forecasts in the week leading up to Saturday looked good for a moderate Southerly but the day dawned overcast with a light Northerly that swung to the NE at the 11 am start time. It was going to be the August "Shake and Bakes". Unfortunately Race Area C at the mouth of the Severn River becomes a conflicted tactical nightmare on these days especially when the sun finally poked through and the day started to heat up. On the left was a stronger NNE river wind and on the right was some indication the Bay winds were trying to align the median wind rightward, more towards a southerly sea breeze.
Mike Parsons parlayed the left side, river breeze shift, and some good light air speed to win the first race in a squeaker over John Z. In the second race, the two homies, John Z and your humble scribe were betting the right would pay off and 1/2 way up it looked good but the left came in again for Mike, late in the leg but there nonetheless. Mike had a 100 yard lead but, in the dying breeze, mistook the finish line as the RC shortened course. My one time in the whole regatta I was ahead of John Z proved fortuitous as I was able to finish correctly just ahead of Mike, who was unwinding his false detour. As they say, it is better sometimes to be lucky than smart (or fast). Before the third and final race, the wind did swing right to the east but the pressure remained light. Mike ran away and hid, John Z finished second and I followed in third. So Mike wins the day. With my 2nd race win, I win the tie breaker over John Z and George Albaugh wins the Gen 1 division.
Race committee, as always at SSA, was superb. Tip of the hat to PRO John Quay and his crew.
Motor boats
2 days ago
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